Boden Martin
3 min readMar 5, 2021

+1–888–718–0745 | How To Set Up AOL Mail Settings

We have recorded both IMAP and POP3 set-up for and email suppliers. Utilize just AOL worker names for AOL accounts and just AIM worker names for AIM email accounts; port numbers and security are the equivalent for the two suppliers.

To arrangement AOL/AIM as an IMAP account:

To arrangement AOL or AIM once you have effectively set-up your telephone, follow bearings beneath. On the off chance that you are adding the record during your telephone’s underlying start up, avoid down to Set-up account menu (Instruction #3).

Verizon AOL email settings

Open Applications plate, tap My Accounts

Select Add Account

You will be at the Set-Up accounts menu with a few other informal organization symbols.

Select Email symbol

Enter your full AOL/AIM email address, including “” or “” area name altogether lower case.

Enter AOL/AIM secret phrase.

Leave Automatically design account checked.

Tap on Next. telephone will associate with your email worker and state “Achievement!” if account was set-up effectively.

Your record is presently set-up. If it’s not too much trouble, test sending and getting an email.

During the association, you might be approached to finish a manual set-up if your email supplier isn’t perceived, your email address/secret word is off base, or if your email supplier has limitations on portable email set-up. If it’s not too much trouble, browse with your email supplier to get all the data above. You will require your POP3 or IMAP port and worker settings to finish a Manual set-up. On the off chance that you have this data prepared, continue to next area with respect to Manual arrangement.

Whenever provoked for manual arrangement, contact Manual arrangement. You can likewise get into manual arrangement by un-checking Automatically design account after you entered your email address and secret key.

AOL email settings android

In the event that you need to do a manual set-up, contact Manual arrangement

Contact General Settings, affirm data altogether General Settings fields are right. Roll out any fundamental improvements, at that point select OK to leave this menu.

Contact Incoming Server.

Select IMAP

Enter IMAP worker — or

Check dynamic Use Secure association and Verify Certificate

Enter Port — 993 (or 143)

Enter/affirm your username (attempt total email address including the or

Enter/affirm your AOL/AIM secret key

Tap on OK

Select Outgoing Server

Enter active IMAP worker — or

Check Use Secure association and Verify Certificate

Enter Port — 465 (or 587)

No IMAP way prefix

Enter or simply affirm your Username (complete email address including the or if as of now showed

Enter or simply affirm your AOL/AIM Password if as of now showed.

Tap on OK

AOL imap not working

Tap on Other Settings

Select date scope of mail to be pulled to telephone. (multi week old, fourteen days, multi month, 2 months, Never Delete Messages)

Tap on OK

Tap on OK again to submit AOL/AIM set-up.

Your record is presently set-up. Kindly test sending and accepting an email.

To arrangement AOL as a POP3 account:

Contact General Settings, affirm data taking all things together General Settings fields are right. Roll out any fundamental improvements, at that point select OK to leave this menu.

Contact Incoming Server.

Select POP Mail Server

Enter POP3 worker —