Boden Martin
4 min readApr 5, 2021


IMAP worker settings-IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is utilized by email customers and electronic email applications to recover email messages from the mail worker. IMAP gets messages, synchronizing the record to the mail worker, and empowers us to see the messages on different gadgets. The IMAP settings can be physically done utilizing some favored standard information sources. The default port number for IMAP is 993, and the got encryption is SSL.

Aol IMAP settings

Follow the strategy for Aol IMAP settings

The IMAP, POP3, and SMTP conventions can be utilized on AOL. You can utilize Connect technique (plain mode), Connect SSL strategy (Implicit SSL mode) or Connect strategy and StartTLS or STLS strategies (express SSL) for AOL servers.Set the approaching mail worker to IMAP and Outgoing mail worker to SMTP. The Incoming mail worker name is, and the port number is 993 of course. Select the SSL for IMAP (Secure Sockets Layer) to genuine implied .The Outgoing mail worker is, and the port is 587 (SMTP) or 465 (SMTPS). SSL for SMTP can be bogus/genuine verifiable/genuine unequivocal.


You can utilize an outsider email application to download a duplicate of your AOL Mail email or to send and get messages, in the event that you’d incline toward an alternate interface. There are two unique conventions you can pick when setting up an outsider email application: POP or IMAP.

POP downloads a duplicate of your messages from your record ( to the application. This implies that in the event that you erase an email from your record after it’s been downloaded, the downloaded duplicate remaining parts in the application. Moreover, POP just downloads messages from the Inbox (not customized organizers), so to download the entirety of your messages, you’d need to move email from existing envelopes to the Inbox.

IMAP, be that as it may, persistently synchronizes the application and your record to keep the data in the two spots indistinguishable. This implies that anything you do with messages or organizers in your record at will likewise happen in the application (and the other way around).

The following are the POP and IMAP worker settings you’ll have to use for AOL Mail and connections to basic email application arrangement directions. On the off chance that you need explicit assistance designing your application, contact its maker.

What are POP and IMAP?

As SMTP manages sending active mail, you need something to get approaching mail on your mail application inbox too, correct?

That is the place where POP and IMAP help you. You can set up your approaching mail worker to get all email messages through your email supplier utilizing either the POP or the IMAP convention.

How about we investigate how these conventions work:


POP represents Post Office Protocol, which is utilized to get approaching mail. The current form that is broadly being used is POP3.

POP3 is incredible for PCs as it downloads approaching messages to the nearby gadget any time you need to check your mail. Thusly, you don’t need to be online to browse your messages!


The Internet Message Access Protocol, or IMAP, is another convention that is utilized to get approaching messages from your email administration.

Not at all like POP, IMAP saves the entirety of your approaching messages on a worker. Each time you check your inbox, your email program contacts the approaching mail worker and allows you to get to your email from any gadget with a web association.

Basically, your IMAP worker goes about as cloud-based capacity for your messages. That is the reason IMAP is viewed as a more productive and quicker option in contrast to POP3.


To summarize it, POP3 downloads approaching mail to your neighborhood gadget while IMAP stores them on a worker. This makes IMAP a more productive choice.

Notwithstanding, IMAP requires a steady web association each time you need to browse your messages, while POP permits you to check your inbox disconnected.

Step by step instructions to Set Up Your AOL Server Settings

Since you realize how every convention helps, how about we perceive how you can add account settings in an email customer, like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, and so forth. By and large, your email application permits you to set up SMTP and POP/IMAP through your record settings via the post office application you’re utilizing.

You should simply add your AOL record to the email application and enter the SMTP and POP/IMAP boundaries in your record settings to set up your approaching and active mail worker.

For instance, here’s the manner by which you can approach a manual arrangement for these conventions in Microsoft Outlook (recently known as Hotmail) account settings:

